Our next program on the Lost Amusement Parks of Western Pennsylvania will be held Saturday, April 23 at DeBence Antique Music World in Franklin. The presentation will begin at noon and run until 2 pm in the third floor ballroom. This program will shed light on the fascinating stories of these long-gone recreation spots, from early picnic groves to traditional amusement parks, including trolley and railroad parks with origins tied to transportation; the first African-American-owned amusement park; and all of the parks’ classic amusement rides that thrilled countless people of all ages. One of the most lovely of these parks was Monarch Park, a beautiful, orderly slow paced area boasting a dance hall pavilion and bell tower. The Park was located off Deep Hollow Road where the Isaac Walton League makes it home. It went out of business in 1928 due to the invention of the automobile and the loss of the Big Rock Bridge over the Allegheny RIver.
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