The Holiday Tour of Homes returns on Saturday, December 16 from 11 am – 6 pm and Sunday, December 17 from 1 pm – 5 pm. The Tour begins at 1145 Buffalo Street, St. John’s Episcopal Church, where you can view the Tiffany windows in the sanctuary and browse the wares of vendors at the Holiday Market. The Market opens at 10 AM on Saturday and noon on Sunday. There are eight different locations on this self-guided tour, all of which are decorated for Christmas. A convenient shuttle bus can transport you to the locations. Costs are $25/person, $30 at the door and $20 at the door for members of Franklin Preservation. Tickets go on sale at on November 15 at 8 AM. Locally, tickets can be purchased at the Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce. Admission is good for both days of the event. For an add-on cost of $5, a visit to the DeBence Music Museum is being offered. This ticket can be purchased at 1145 Buffalo Street or at DeBence on the days of the event.